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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Higher Standards for Education

For years now the education system has been falling behind while the economy advances. A poll taken by Dan Jones and associates shows that Utah students are alarmingly unprepared when it comes to joining the real world.

I remember as a kid taking tests that were suppose to predict what profession I would be in when I became an adult and believe me, those tests were no where near accurate. As We get older, we think to ourselves, when am I ever going to use this in the real world? Well folks that's the point here. There is a huge gap between educational systems and the necessary knowledge graduates need in order to transition into the work force.

Though Utah prides itself on hiring within the state, many jobs are being given to out of state citizens due to the fact that these graduates lack basic oral and communication skills as well as critical thinking and analytic reasoning skills. Because of this, a plan has even set in motion to bring businesses and schools together to align students' abilities with the needs of the work force.

The education system we have needs to set higher standards when it comes to education.Stan Parrish, President of the Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce, presented a plan that holds students accountable for learning all forms of communication and has invited educators and business representatives to better discuss workforce skills that they hope to implement into this 'action plan'.

I think Utah deserves a pat on the back for recognizing the lack of necessary education graduates actually need in order To sustain themselves in the real world. Utah isn't the only state that needs it, but try are one of the few who have finally realized that we need change.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Todd Kiser, Utah's Insurance Commissioner, is trying to make the revolutionary new program Zenefits illegal in the state. He says it is unfair competition to traditional insurance companies.

First of all, Mr. Kiser you are a terrible capitalist. Competition is a key component of capitalism and you are trying to drive off a revolutionary company that brings together every part of a company's HR need, benefits, payroll and more.

Second, this is exactly the kind of company that Gov. Herby wants to bring to Utah. He wants innovative, silicon valley type companies and Zenefits is exactly this. It will change the way every HR department operates.  It is ridiculous to try to keep them out of the state, just like it is stupid for Ford, GM and Chrysler to lobby so Tesla Motors cannot sell their cars at car dealerships.

Third, Zenefits is unfair to traditional insurance companies in the same way electricity was unfair to candle makers in the 1800's. Kiser, stop being stupid, stop accepting money from these traditional companies and do your job.